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Develop CNMI! Your Opportunity is Here.



“CDA’s annual report reflects the authority’s accomplishments and its financial condition. The reflection is much like what one sees in the rear-view mirror as one drives down the road: You see where you’ve been. CDA has proven itself to be a respected developmental financial institution. Providing financial assistance to many investors that had special needs that could not be met through the commercial banking industry. While looking in the rear-view mirror is important, even more important is looking through the windshield to see where one is heading. Now is the time to envision where CDA is going and how it will accomplish these goals.”

Under the Covenant to establish a Commonwealth of the northern Mariana islands in Political union with the united states of America (U.S. Public law 94-241), the people of the northern Mariana islands (NMI) and the united states of America desire to improve their beneficial relationship, and to develop the economic resources referenced in the first section 701 Covenant funding needed to meet the fiscal responsibilities of self-government in the NMI.

On July 10, 1985, in accordance with U.S. Public law 99-396, the NMI and the Department of the interior entered into a special representatives agreement for the second seven-year period of guaranteed annual direct grant assistance for the northern Mariana islands. Section 3(f) of the agreement provides that the Government of the northern Mariana islands shall ensure the continued administration of capital development funds by an autonomous public agency of the Northern Mariana Islands. Such administration shall include the coordination and approval of all public financing of capital improvement projects and economic development activities.

On September 18, 1985, the Commonwealth Development Authority (CDA) was established by
Public law 4-49 also known as the “CDA Act”

CDA Building

Over 30 Years of Continuous Service to the People of the Commonwealth

Commonwealth Development Authority (CDA)

CDA has proven itself to be a respected developmental financial institution.

Providing financial assistance to many investors that had special needs that could not be met through the commercial banking industry.


We provide appropriate financial and technical assistance to facilitate the start-up or expansion of private and public enterprise for their success, the benefit of the Commonwealth’s economic welfare and the long term sustainability of the CDA.


To revitalize and reposition CDA to perform its mission and achieve an overall vision of economic development for the Commonwealth.


We perform our mission in a courteous, professional, accountable, prudent, efficient and independent manner.